2023 Volunteer Appreciation Week
Franklinton Farms has always been an organization that has furthered its goals only with the help of volunteers.
Managing a 1.5 acre scattered site urban farm with three accessible year-round community gardens, a Learning Garden that hosts programming every week, 12 high tunnels, perimeters, hell strips…
Well, let’s just say that there is never a true end to the work that can be done on a farm, and Franklinton Farms is no exception.
Thankfully, we have always had, and continue to grow, a robust volunteer cohort made of up regular individuals who have a passion to be outside and to help us out, as well as local and national groups, businesses, and organizations that offer Service Days to their employees, and also volunteer coordination groups.
We specifically want to shout out to Besa who have been so good to us. If you have never volunteered, check them out, or sign up with us (link below). They have been regularly sending us amazing and enthusiastic groups for a number of years now; their connection to us has made the Farms better in too many ways to count.
Thank you to all of our volunteers this week and every week who come out to Franklinton Farms and help us to manage and grow our scattered site urban farm in Franklinton.
Without our volunteers, we would not succeed in our mission to nourish neighborhood wellbeing and connection through farming, gardening, and education.
Thank you, we love you, come back soon!
Coffee with friends at the Patrick Kaufman Learning Garden in honor of National Volunteer Week.
Franklin Park Conservatory Womens Board stompin' some cover crop at Evergreen.
Prime AE Group volunteers knocking it out - digging and installing fence posts at Fenced Lot.
Small Biz Cares weeding Cornerstone Lot, as well as cleaning up the perimeter at Fenced Lot and pruning in U-Pick Community Garden.
Prime AE Group posing at our iconic Farm mural outside our Office.
Prime AE Group volunteers knocking it out with digging and installing fence posts at FLot.
Prime AE Group volunteers knocking it out - digging and installing fence posts at Fenced Lot.
Besa with Manley Deas & Kochalski LLC cleaned up pollinator bed at Katreena's Garden on Sullivant Avenue
Franklinton Park Conservatory Women's Board with Sean McKay weeded raspeberries at Cornerstone.
Jacobi Group help install end panels on FLot tunnel and start the holes at FLot.
Jacobi Group help install end panels on Fenced Lot tunnel and start the holes at Fenced Lot.
Some regular volunteers preparing the U-Pick Flower Garden for pavers and benches.
Regular volunteers rebuilding stone walls at Cornerstone Lot.
Regular volunteers rebuilding stone walls at Cornerstone Lot.