Click below to read the full version of the Franklinton Farms 2023 Annual Report.


Franklinton Farms has a long and fortunate history of connecting with wonderful givers.

We are so lucky to have deep relationships with passionate, skilled, and talented people willing to donate funds, energy, and time.

Season by season, we create events to celebrate these connections, and to make new ones.

Come to a Franklinton Farms fundraiser soon!


Sowers’ Social

In February, we invite our courageous crew of highly engaged donors to meet, reconnect after the dark winter and talk about the season to come!


 Spring Into Wonder

Every May, we hold a Spring celebration. It’s a delightful gathering with the intention to raise money for Education Programs.

Come play in the garden with us!


Harvest to Home

In September, we invite you to celebrate abundance with your community and raise funds for food access and sustainable urban farming.


We are so grateful for the continued support from our amazing sponsors.


We could not do what we do without the continued support from our fantastic partners and grant funders.

Please click on images below - find out more about how our funders help us in our mission to nourish neighborhood wellbeing and connection through farming, gardening, and education.

The funders below are from 2024 - for more information on recent givers, check out our annual report.